Sunflower Meats

Product: Sunflower Meats, Helianthus annuus
Product Description: Sunflower seed with the shell or hull removed. Off-gray and flat approximately 10mm long and 4mm wide.
Ingredients: Sunflower meats
Analytical Specifications
General Requirements: Each shipment shall be of good quality, manufactured and stored in accordance with good commercial practice as defined in 21 CFR Part 110 “Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Packing, or Holding Human Food.” The sunflower kernels shall not contain any chemical residues or additives, intentional or unintentionally added, which would render food injurious to health or which may materially impair flavor, odor, appearance, or bacteriological quality of the end product. The sunflower kernels will be maintained in a cool, dry condition in cold storage facilities (recommended 40 F/4C and 40% to 60% relative humidity) to maintain good quality and prevent infestation issues. A one year shelf life should be expected, based on the NSA shelf life study.